
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Pugs

The pugs turned 6 years old a few weeks ago (this is late).  We don't typically make a big deal out of their birthdays, because, well, we forget to (so awful!), but this year things were different.  We just happened to be on one of our 5x/week trips to a local bakery that makes these little wonders called "pupcakes"!

How did the pugs handle this birthday hedonism?

I presented to them da goods. Bunni is mesmerized.  Notice Kevin's hand in the background keeping Bunni's ass planted on the floor.

A closer look, madame? Perhaps you would like just a teensy leetle bite to make sure zat zeese pupcakes are to your liking?

What part of "teensy leetle bite" did you not understand??

While Bunni cleverly destructed her pupcake in .001 second, Rikki's strategy was to lock her jaws around the pupcake entire, trot around the living room in simultaneous jubilee and utter fear that someone would rob her of her precious pupcake, only to be nabbed by Kevin all wide-jawed and just bizarre-looking.  All the while, mind you, not actually biting into the pupcake.

She still doesn't get it.

After some considerable time (and, ahem, Kevin retrieving the pupcake from her jaws and breaking it up for her), she finally did get the hang of the pupcake.

After the carnage, the pugs retreated to their bed.

I expected gratitude after the pupcake extravaganza. I expected unadulterated love and adoration.

Instead, I received one sleepy look and one "what da f&#! you want?" look.

Rikki did open her eyes in hopeful anticipation of a stray pupcake.

Bunni, that blessedly iron-hearted pug of mine, gave me a glare that said it all: "You gave me one pupcake.  One. I don't understand how you expect me to live."


  1. Happy belated birthdays to Bunni and Rickki I would have had no trouble managing multiplepupcakes. None whatsoever!

  2. Happy birthday to your pugs! Rikki's strategy to hold onto the pupcake crack's me up!

  3. Happy belated birthday to Bunni and Rikki! Your pug posts are always so adorable and hilarious - love them!!!

  4. poor bunni. one pupcake is clearly not enough. and omg did rikki's fat lips get even fatter?! they're practically providing an additional cover for that posh bed of theirs.

  5. Oh, the cuteness!!! I love the "lock jaw" approach -- should try that with my own sweets from now on. :)

  6. Hahah Rikki's approach is the best! They're just way too cute!

  7. You pugs are so cute! Happy birthday to them :)

  8. Happy birthday, Bunni and Rikki!! I hope there will be more pupcakes in your future! They are much deserved!

  9. LOL - too funny! Happy belated birthday, ladies!

  10. Oh my gosh! Those photos of the pupcake inside her mouth are so adorable and hilarious! I love her...

  11. thanks for all the birthday wishes, everyone! i speak on behalf of the pugs since they are still in a pupcake coma.

  12. yay! pug birthdays are the best. Happy Birthday Bunni and Rikki.

  13. Aww, I missed the pugs birthday!! That's what I get for being MIA this week.

  14. Happy birthday puggies! (my spell check, appropriately, wants to change that to "piggies")

  15. Happy birthday, girls!!! I love their enthusiasm and rage of techniques for eating their pup cakes!!!

  16. Hahaha! Happy birthday Pugs! Those expressions are priceless, they are just too funny!

  17. Happy (even later) Birthday, Puggies!!
