
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pugs and Chair

There is a coveted spot in our new apartment.  I think it has to do with the warm sunspot.

How are we feeling, my little Bunni? A little toasty?

Gah, momma, why are you always bugging me?

Somebody please take her away from me. Help.

I turned around to see Rikki looking longingly at Bunni in The Coveted Sun Spot.

She seemed resigned.

Two seconds later, Rikki decided she had had enough of waiting in the wings, and grabbed her moment.

Bunni, like the good sister she is, accommodated the latecomer.

Would you call this cozy or squished?


  1. I think it's "cozquished." A fair compromise.

  2. Love it! My dog loves to rotate spots in our apartment as the sun moves.

  3. So cozy!! I love your pugs! They are always so sweet to each other, it just makes me happy. :)

  4. Squee! That pic of rikki staring at the other chair is just too much cute!

  5. oh wow I just read your weddingbee bio and saw that you got married at the Ritz in Half Moon Bay. I got married at the golf course next door. Alot of the scenery shots are the same. Yay!! Your pictures were beautiful, btw.

  6. katie: love the new word! must add it to my lexicon.

    lauren: nothing like a sleepy, sun-warmed dog, is there.

    kelsey, penga, sanjoselove, twentyfivefifty: they are terribly cute in these pics, aren't they--kinda makes me want to run home and snuggle with them all day.

    sanjoselove: what a coincidence! the scenery out there is so beautiful--hooray for half moon bay!

  7. just. look. at. those. wrinkles.

  8. I've been having a bad day today, and these pictures were exactly what I needed! So thank you!

  9. Your pug pictures always make me smile. I don't think they could be cuter if they tried!

  10. sashacleo: there are almost too many wrinkles to be believed.

    geekinheels: aw, i'm glad this cheered you up a little!

    morgan: thanks! the pugs are here for nothing if not to amuse.

  11. Squishy pupppies!! Love their smooshy faces.

  12. Hahaha, the sunspot cannot go to one pug alone. ;)

  13. I love pugs...and I love that they snuggle together. Adorable.
