
Thursday, September 29, 2011


Sometimes, I think a little thing is going to make a huge and amazing change in my life.  Like I'm sure if I had that basil lemongrass goat milk soap that smells so lovely, I would be a different person with a different life, the most notable difference being a large amount of independent wealth.

This past week, I had that special feeling about two new habits I decided to acquire.

First, instead of buying $2 for a cookie pack every other day (alright, fine, sometimes every day), I bought a box of the same cookies at the grocery store for only a dollar more.  I was proud of myself, thinking about how much more bang for the buck I was getting--I'm so thrifty! You see where this is going.  Despite my best-laid cookie box plans and the new life that was going to accompany it, I ate the box in two days.  So not only a financially questionable performance, but also calorifically horrendous.

Second, I figured I would stave off munchies during the day by loading up on apples.  The farmers' markets are in the throes of some great, tart apples, and I was going to take advantage of these relatively inexpensive, healthy treats.  You know they always say that fiber fills you up for longer, right? They do say that, and I've discovered that when they say that, they are lying.  Apples do not fill you up for that long, certainly not past the point where you've thrown away the core and walked back to your desk.  Yes, I know that it may just be the power of psychology bulldozing over scientific knowledge here--and by "power of psychology", I mean the type that wants a cupcake. An apple is really not the same as a cupcake.

So I've eaten through the box of cookies, gave up on the apples (at least for a couple of days), and have bought donuts instead.  A winning combination.

Anybody have better ideas for midday snacks?  I can tell this donut thing is not a good long-term solution.


  1. I got a huge tub of Nutella, because usually putting a little of that (or peanut butter if you don't like Nutella) on apples, rice cakes, etc. makes you feel like you're getting your sugar fix and has protein so you feel full longer. It kept me out of the candy jar at work (most of the time)! I'm like you, if I keep the cookies in the house they will be gone like THAT.

  2. I keep saltine goldfish crakers and a tin of mixed nuts in my desk at work. I'm always craving salt, so both of these snacks help stave off my mid-day hunger.

  3. Nuts or trailmix, crackers + cheese. Proteins usually help me curb my hunger. Usually..I often appreciate the cupcake. :)

  4. Dipping said apples in some sort of chocolate or caramel. Healthy and filling? No?

    I'm not any help. I'm pregnant. I want cupcakes all the time.

  5. Haha, I like this post. I don't know about healthy snacks, but to keep myself from eating in the afternoon, ill chew gum. Nothing tastes good with gum. :P

  6. Mmm, donuts! And I've been eating apples, but am not more wealthy either :(

    I usually try to have a snack before the evening work out classes I've been going to, usually an apple (sliced, so it takes longer to eat, tricking yourself into thinking it's more filling), or hard boiled egg, granola bar (the chocolate chip 1/3rd less sugar ones are good for a healthy sweet fix), cucumber slices dipped in ranch, or a gogurt.

    I actually find eating a half of a sliced cucumber to be rather filling, since it's mainly water. I think it's like 16 calories or something crazy low too.

  7. I love cherry tomatoes as a snack. I can easily eat a whole quart over the course of an afternoon. With veggies you can eat MUCH more- basically eat until you are full- the caloric impact is negligible.

  8. I just posted this same dilemma on my own blog (and by "just," I mean a few weeks ago). But I got sick last week and so I've actually had to really work on the snack thing, and what I've found to work is to bring multiples. I bring a banana for before lunch in the morning. I bring a cup of yogurt, a hard-boiled egg, and trail mix for the afternoon. I try to eat one of each of the snacks every two hours. I might replace the yogurt with an apple, because they're not filling alone but they're probably good enough two hours after lunch and two hours before a bigger snack.

  9. TUMS. they really fill you up and quiet the hunger pains.

    no, really, I say go with the donut. or two. or three. maybe it's just me, but if I don't eat the damn thing already, I'll eat EVERYTHING ELSE IN SIGHT just thinking about it.

  10. LOL- this cracked me up! I really needed that! I'm the same exact way!

  11. Blueberry muffins! (says the girl stuffing the last crumbs of one into her mouth). Hmm, not so much healthier. What usually works for me is to put peanut butter on the apple - then it's much more satisfying. Or, like Amber, I bring a bunch of fruit and snack on whichever one I feel like at the time. You can't eat too much fruit right? (No really, is that right?)

  12. Considering I just ate a 2 pound bag of goldfish crackers, I don't have any suggestions for you.

  13. if you get apple cider donuts, then it's really a win-win. Also, saw this and IMMEDIATELY thought of you:

  14. I always take 2 pieces of fruit to work everyday and I try to stay out of the break room. Because if I go in there, I know I'll eat the donuts, they're always in there. So basically I only give myself the 2 fruit options and that usually works ok. But I always know the vending machine is there, which is not good for me.

  15. thanks everyone for all the suggestions! i'm debating whether to heed them or just continue with the donuts. it's a toughie.

    rabitstew: a woman after my own heart.

    sassandpancakes: LOVE that. you know me so well.
