
Tuesday, June 21, 2011


My heart bursts at the seams looking at these.  This is one of the reasons why I love having two pugs.

Bunni resting her head on Rikki's belly

Bunni never would have done this when Rikki first came into our lives.

Bunni is not so generous about sharing her couch nook, though.

Speak to the paw, Rikki.

That's a cuddle if I ever saw one.


  1. Lately my husband's been wondering if we should get another dog to keep Comang company, especially with the second baby coming. It's weird, because this is the EXACT opposite of what I had expected (I thought he would want to give Comang away). I have been the hesitant/reluctant one because a second dog would be more work, in addition to the fact that Comang is so used to being the only dog in the house that we're not sure how he would react. But seeing pictures like these....sigh....I'm really tempted to start browsing as soon as I'm done typing this!

  2. Oh my gosh so cute!
    @Geek in Heels- give VERY serious thought to the issue before you bring another dog into the home, it doesn't seem like it would be much more work, but it totally is. Also? We thought we found the perfect match for our first dog, and they fight constantly. It's extremely stressful, especially if you have a baby on the way- it's probably the worst time to consider adding a furbaby. Too much stress.

  3. OH MY GOODNESS. OH MY GOODNESS. where does one pug start and the other end?

  4. Oh man, the photo of them on the couch nearly killed me. How do you even go about your daily life?! I would just be sitting there saying "Awww!" every 30 seconds.

  5. They are SO CUTE!! Love the paw over the eyes :)

  6. Awwww! I kept on trying to pick my fave but they are all my faves. ALL!!!

  7. OMG I wish I can have another pug..

  8. geekinheels: i know, the decision on whether to get a second dog can be really tough! that's so sweet that your husband is thinking about comang, although it does sound like you two have your hands pretty full right now! let me know what you decide.

    katie, sashacleo, hotcocoa, mega, brandi, bigapplenosh: i know, it's almost too much cuteness to bear.

    darwin: i'm a big fan of getting a second pug!

  9. I love these pictures, they are so cute! Those pugs are just precious. It's so great that the sisters get to spend time together. :)

  10. Oh I've missed those cute puggies!!

  11. These are the sweetest sisters ever! I love to see pug pictures.
