
Friday, March 11, 2011

Rikki and the Sweater

Rikki's just having one of those photogenic weeks.

Rikki is very, very lucky to have a talented auntie who knits sweaters for the pugs.  Her nimble fingers fly through the air and create snug little fashion items for our babies.

This week, Rikki was the lucky recipient (Bunni already has about 4, I'll show them to you later) of her very first, custom-knitted sweater.

Put on a show for us, Miss Rikki.

This next picture shows Rikki losing interest in the camera and gaining another one in her daddy who is behind me, to my left, making his way to the kitchen.   The meaning of this path is not lost on the pug.

He's now passed to the right side, behind me. And here is our model, lookng a little more hopeful, as one can tell by the cocked ears.

After a very upsetting minute (at least for this photographer) during which Rikki completely broke pose and chased her daddy to the kitchen, only to be disappointed, she comes back within range of the camera lens.  Good time for a side shot.

She decides that posing on the couch is passe and wants to try something new.  How avant garde!

She grows tired, and leans against the coffee table for support. Oh woe is the life of a model pug.

Thank you auntie!


  1. She knows how to pose her legs very sexy, all sticking out on the side. Whee! Loves it!

  2. One of our boston terriers sit just like Rikki (the last photo where she's fully on her butt) I love it! Adorable sweater!

  3. She looks adorable in her newly minted sweater! Work it girl!

  4. that pug has no need for a turtleneck with that ginormous neck ruffle.

  5. Those are some awesomely made sweaters. I'm so jealous! Rikki looks stunning in purple.

  6. Oh my gosh, I love it! I have sewn pajamas for my sister's dog before, but now I might just have to knit him a sweater. Miss Rikki is such a good (if fickle) model :D

  7. I am dying with the cute pug overload! That sweater is so precious!! And, even more precious is Rikki in the sweater! :)

  8. what a cute lil purple sweater, that's my favorite color!

  9. LOL, I love how pissed she looks! Hilarious!

  10. Hahahaha, oh sweet pug baby. She looks MISERABLE.

  11. lobster: she's quite the starlet.

    sara: aw bostons, i love those!

    alice, maylove, kelsey and wanderlust: my sister and rikki appreciate the compliments!

    tiffay and jessica: no, she is very HAPPY, dammit

  12. Adorbs. Jellyby is way jealous of Rikki's smize.

  13. OMG, I love pets in sweaters! Rikki is adorable - I think I love the shot at the very end the most. We have sweaters for our (hairless) cats and they HATE, HATE, HATE them. hehe.
