
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why I Love Me a Dinner Party

I was thinking about my post from the other day and realized that while I talked about saving time and effort when it came to hosting dinner parties, that I didn't talk about how much I love hosting a dinner party.  Because I do, very very much, despite the work.

I really enjoy having people over (as long as I like them and they don't bring shit for wine/beer), albeit on the small scale on which I carry them out.  I love brainstorming a menu, thinking about what textures/colors/ingredients would taste and look best on a plate, perusing and comparing different recipes, shopping for the ingredients, having a day of cooking, getting our home in tip top shape (or at least tip shape, if not the full tip top), lighting candles, putting out big bowls/plates of food, welcoming people to our home, generously filling their wine glasses, sharing good conversation and lotsa laughs, watching the pugs scamper by our feet and beg for food, etc. etc.

I'm filled with adrenaline and excitement all day for our little gathering.  The effort invested has its more than wonderful returns that make everything worth it.

While I've always generally enjoyed having people over, I think that Kevin and I have had dinner parties more times in the last few months than we had in the year before that. And why is that? I think it absolutely is tied to our wedding.  How so?

In the months leading up to the wedding, I was not cooking as frequently, much less hosting dinner parties, because my energy and time was being sapped elsewhere (i.e. having loooong discussions with my sister about what color paper to use for the wedding menus).

I also realized that, despite the time, effort and stress of planning a wedding, it was wonderfully energizing and gave me a "project" as well as a party to look forward to. In fact, I worried that after the wedding, I would suffer from post-wedding blues at not having enough to do with myself.  I considered taking classes (oh yeah I'm supposed to get on that), but the main two things in which I invested were cooking and blogging. Thank goodness the two have come around to occupy me and serve as my hobbies--otherwise I'd be watching Real Housewives all the freaking time. Or cleaning out my pugs' nose wrinkles until they squeaked.

Right before the wedding, I was cooking about twice a week.  Now I'm cooking at least three times a week.  Huh, in my mind it was more of an impressive change but +1 doesn't seem like such a big deal, does it. No matter. Carry on. It *feels* like I'm cooking a lot more than that.

A natural consequence of cooking more was having more dinner parties.  We've been reconnecting with friends, making new ones, and giving ourselves an excuse to enjoy the back patio (when it isn't blazing hot).

Of course, I don't know if I'd enjoy the dinner parties quite so much if I didn't have Kevin and lovely friends who step up to help out, big-time.  You know who you are. Wait no not you, the other one.  Kidding! But really, thanks a bajillion wotillion.

Do you like hosting dinner parties? Attending them? Did you take up any hobbies after your wedding planning ended? 


  1. I love attending dinner parties! Hosting them - well, since I can't cook, I don't think anyone would attend. I compromise with dessert parties. Yum. Oh and even though you are only cooking 1x more per week, my super math skills tell me that you increased your cooking by 50%, so that's really quite impressive.

  2. i love having them as well. SO funny you mentioned the shit for beer/wine.

    We had friends over for a wine and cheese party and I asked a couple to bring a chardonnay. They brought Charles Shaw and I immediately blurted out (thinking my husband had pulled it out) "who brought this out?!" in a really disgusted voice.
    Turns out it was our company. SO embarassing. But also annoying because we spent money on our wine!

  3. we love your dinner parties, too! -- you're so good at keeping people well-fed and well-hydrated.

  4. Your dinner parties are awesome!! You have a great home to entertain in. I do like having people over, but since I don't even have a dining table, we can't really do that. Or, we're forced to watch Real Housewives while sitting on the couch. It makes me feel like a failure as a hostess.

  5. I wish I could have dinner parties! My house is not ready for entertaining. Waah!

  6. Oh man, I wish I was as awesome as you. I also love the process of making stuff and laying out the big bowls and rotating around filling glasses. Since the wedding, work is taking up all my time :( boo hiss!
