
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I Was a Bunny

Not a Playboy Bunny a la Gloria Steinum, but rather, a hardcore gym bummy (more like a jackrabbit).

Source (cute, soft, flabby bunny)

Source (giant, muscular bunny who will crush you)

Like most brides, I've thought about fitness routines in preparation for the wedding.

First, some background.  I went to college in California, and in California if you don't exercise they kick you out. (And btw, I wrote this line WAY before I saw Twilight--how dare Bella steal my line)

After college, my workout schedule ramped up. I was going five or six times a week--yeah, totally CRAZY.  So there I was, huffing and puffing, doing spin class, kickboxing, aerobics, yoga, treadmill, weights...

(note: the view in my class was of a mirror reflecting my red-faced sweaty face at me)

And then I met Kevin. And SO stereotypically I stopped working out. I wanted to spend my free time with him, not at a gym. We tried going a couple of times together, but our work schedules became more disparate, we got a dog, and I used those as excuses not to go.

Source (I think I began to look like this)

Whereas I used to be a ball of muscle, I became undertoned and felt like my lungs were going to waste. 

I needed to remove the can of beer (or box of chocolates in my case) from my tummy, get off the couch, and put on some clothes.  Oh, and stop wearing mens' briefs.  So how was I going to do this? 

What kind of roller coasters, if any, have you had with your fitness regime?

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